2nd Annual Juneteenth in Bismarck/Rollout of QR code

In 2022, the Black/African American population in North Dakota made up approximately 3.8% of the state’s population, according to U.S. Census data.1 However, from January to August 2024, preliminary data revealed that 10.61% of the state’s drug overdose fatalities occurred among the Black population in the state according to data collected through the ND Violent Death Reporting Program.2 This statistic highlights a need for targeted outreach and prevention efforts within these communities. To address this disparity, the North Dakota Public Health Analyst (PHA) contacted organizers of the 2nd Annual Juneteenth celebration in Bismarck, ND to be part of the community outreach event. Leveraging her experience in harm reduction, the ND PHA worked directly with community members to build trust and raise awareness about drug overdose prevention. The ND PHA distributed business cards and QR codes linking to the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) website, which may have contributed to an increase in naloxone orders (individual requests rose from 13 during the month of July 2023 to 134 during the month of July 2024). As a result, 29 boxes of naloxone were distributed, and live demonstrations on naloxone administration were provided to interested individuals. In addition, the PHA shared resources on substance use disorder treatment and support services available in North Dakota. During the event, community members offered valuable insights into areas outside Bismarck where additional naloxone distribution and educational outreach could have a significant impact. This event also marked the rollout of a new QR code created by the DHHS, a project initiated by the ND Overdose Response Strategy (ORS) team. The event garnered media attention, with local news broadcasts and live streams on social media featuring the outreach effort, increasing the reach of the ORS in the community. This successful initiative not only increased access to life-saving resources but also strengthened relationships within the community, laying the groundwork for future prevention efforts.

1. U.S. Census Bureau. (n.d.). QuickFacts North Dakota. U.S. Department of Commerce. Retrieved October 2024, from
2. Drug Overdose Death Report. (October 10, 2024). ND Violent Death Reporting Program. Department of Health and Human Services—Public Health.