Naloxone Boxes Installed in Bucks County, PA

Counties are looking for innovative ways to ensure easy, quick and convenient access to naloxone for people who use drugs in their communities. Public health leaders are working with law enforcement partners to identify community locations to place naloxone boxes with assistance from the Pennsylvania Overdose Response Strategy (ORS) Public Health Analyst (PHA) and Drug Intelligence Officer (DIO). During monthly meetings with leaders from county drug and alcohol offices to discuss how to improve naloxone distribution and access, the PA ORS team shared innovative ideas from around Pennsylvania and other states along with overdose location data from a web-based tool, the Overdose Detection Mapping Application Program (ODMAP).  With guidance from the PA ORS team, the stakeholders were able to strategically place naloxone boxes in vital community locations like hotels/motels, restaurants and convenience stores. The PHA utilized Overdose Information Network (ODIN) data to ensure targeted naloxone placement for this initiative, while the DIO communicated with local law enforcement officers and security personnel to garner corporate buy-in from major hospitality chains. As a result of the ORS team’s efforts, Bucks County Drug & Alcohol Commission, Inc. has successfully installed many naloxone boxes, with law enforcement partners restocking naloxone at key locations on an as needed basis. Now that legislation has passed legalizing Fentanyl Test Strips (FTS), there are plans to also provide FTS in the community-based naloxone boxes in the future. Using the PA ORS team’s valuable insights and engagement strategies in these efforts has helped PA implement innovative harm reduction strategies to reduce overdose rates in the state.