Monterey County Overdose Awareness Symposium

Noting an upward trend in opioid-related overdose deaths in 2021, the Northern CA ORS team identified a need to bring overdose awareness throughout the community and engage in collaborative efforts across the public health and safety sector. On International Overdose Awareness Day, August 31, 2022, local partners and agencies convened at the Monterey County Overdose Awareness Symposium, coordinated by the Sun Street Centers. A panel of special guests including key Northern CA public safety and public health players presented insights and hosted Q&A discussions surrounding overdose. During the symposium, the Northern CA HIDTA Director, DIO and PHA provided brief points on the importance of collaboration. Additionally, the DIO coordinated with partners to distribute fentanyl test strips and provide a demonstration for families and community members. Emphasizing the importance of information-sharing and collaboration amongst public health and public safety sectors, the Northern CA ORS team successfully raised overdose awareness amongst the 226 guests at the county-wide event.